Took lot of pictures because was an amazing place. Guess it could be a bit boring looking at the pictures if you were not there.  Converted to thumbnails so would download faster.

Links to Park service below.

DSCN1877a.JPG (40392 bytes)  DSCN1878a.JPG (29860 bytes)  DSCN1879a.JPG (43726 bytes) DSCN1880a.JPG (44218 bytes)

DSCN1881a.JPG (42692 bytes)  DSCN1883a.JPG (42885 bytes)  DSCN1884a.JPG (41848 bytes) DSCN1882a.JPG (33926 bytes)

DSCN1885a.JPG (38317 bytes) DSCN1886a.JPG (36418 bytes) DSCN1887a.JPG (32346 bytes)