I did this page as a joke because Wayne keeps making cookers.  

Mazura Manufacturing
Maker of fine cookers for home or commercial use.

Call us at BR549-wecookem

The staff and management at Mazura Manufacturing welcome you to our web page.

We will give you a tour of our plant and show some of the different models available. Please understand that we will do custom fabrication for any size cooker. 

Our motto is: "Give us a tank and trailer to put it on and we will light your fire before you can catch the pig."

Photos inside our manufacturing facility are not available due to security and manufacturing secrets.  Sorry.
(Well the truth is that Vicki's car is in the way in the garage so we do all the work outside)


"Old Pat"

Below is the first "cooker" ever made here.  We call it "Old Pat" because it became a pattern for all the cookers that followed. 

Many hours of research and trial and error design changes finally ended with what you see.

Notice the counterweight system that not only assists in lifting the lid but also holds it open while you baste the meat or put out the flames as the grease drips on the hot coals.

A Patent is being considered if we can find enough old window weights for use on the production line. 

Also notice the "easy to grasp", extra wide lifting handle.

Hubcap is an extra option.



Model 100

This is the compact model for family use or small parties. 

It also has all the features of the larger models but you do not have to use 4 bags of charcoal.

These models are so popular as "turkey cookers" that they will actually wait for their turn inside. (Pun intentional)

There were no turkeys injured in the making of this web page.

"Turk" is actually a highly trained (but needs a bath) "turkey model" or is that model turkey? 

He enjoys having his picture taken and likes to be petted and be around humans. 

Lucky for us he cannot read a calendar. Crazy bird. "Can you say Thanksgiving?"


Regular model in final stages of manufacturing.


A fast moving manufacturing plant needs equipment to move finished cookers out to storage areas. 

"Mabel" gives us that capability. 

Notice the shortened exhaust pipe for easy entry into and out of the plant doors.












Every product needs a mascot.  What better for us than a dog named "Smokey". 

We had high hopes of him riding along on the cookers as we delivered them. Sort of like they do on fire trucks.

A serious problem developed with "Smokey" when we discovered that he chases birds, any bird.  He spends all day chasing birds that land in the yard.  We spent all our time stopping and catching him because he would jump off his seat and chase birds when we tried to deliver cookers. 

Trying to train another mascot.  Have to love that face.




In Texas we found a sausage company where their cookers were a part of their business and had a variety styles depending upon the event. 

I took some pictures.  It is no joke with them.

Meyer's Sausage Company
Elgin, Texas